
Shorebird Feature: Beach-nesting Birds

Nesting season has begun for our local beach-nesting birds! These shorebirds and seabirds are extremely vulnerable to disturbance from people during this time and, unfortunately, these warmer months are also when humans flock to the beaches. Disturbance during nesting... read more

Congratulations to Elizabeth Riley!

Congratulations to Elizabeth Riley, from Hunter Valley Wine Country Landcare for being appointed as an Independant Director on the BOARD OF Landcare NSW. Liz, being a steward and carer of land herself, she also works day to day with viticultural landowners and... read more

Woodland Bird Feature: The Noisy Miner (a native nuisance?)

The noisy miner is one native species that has benefited greatly from human alterations to woodland and forest habitat, enabling it to increase in abundance and distribution. In short, the Noisy Miner has become an overabundant species. Why is this a problem? Large... read more

Soil Health Basics

If you have spent time in the garden, in the paddock or digging up your backyard, you would see some signs of life in the soil- earthworms, curl grubs, ants, spiders, etc; And these are only a few of the ones you can see with the naked eye.  Soil is not an inert... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 4

The object of our investigations is to have a sound understanding of the property we work upon. This selection of maps builds upon the geology and terrain of the property. It also gives an idea of the areas we will investigate over a period of time to make us very... read more

Plant of the Month: She’ll be Apples!

Within the Eucalypts and close relatives the common names of many of the groups do make a bit of sense, Ironbarks, Stringybarks, Boxes are all named for their bark, the Bloodwoods are so named for the large amount of sap they produce but what about these things called... read more

September Shorebird Feature

Some say Spring has sprung a little early this year and some flowers and birds may agree with you! Observations of Beach-stone Curlews and Far Eastern Curlews have already been reported on our shorelines from mid-August.  With the ‘official’ beginning of Spring, comes... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 3

What a wonderful feature Google Earth has for property holders and Landcarers. From its tool bar we are able to get historic images of our property over time and we can also obtain a convenient Latitude and Longitude to use as a geographic point to help us locate... read more

Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants

Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants of up to $200,000 for projects that achieve long-term outcomes for the NSW environment.... read more

Grass ID courses with Harry Rose coming up in October!

Keep an eye on the HLLS Events page ( read more

Bell Frog Way Report – GGBF Education Session

Through funding from NPWS under the Save our Species (SOS) Program, Hunter Region Landcare Network facilitated the final Bell Frog event for the financial year.  On Thursday, June 30th, we held a Green and Golden Bell Frog Education session – an evening of... read more

Tools, Tricks and Tips: Use it or lose it

Do you get sick of dropping tools in the garden or in the bush and spending the next half hour trying to find them? Well, this little trick may save you a little bit of time.    It’s simple (and fun), wander off to your nearest car parts or electronic supplies... read more

Plant of the Month – Mallees

Plant of the Month: “I don’t mind at all if you call me a Mallee Boy.” The famous song by John Williamson refers to the Mallee Region of Western Victoria an area famous for it’s stunted multi-stemmed Eucalypts known as Mallees. The Mallee growth form is a fairly... read more

2021 State of the Environment Report Released

The latest State of the Environment Report has been released and it makes for some fairly grim reading, in short There are now more non-native plant species in Australia than there native ones Of the 450 gigalitres of water for the environment promised under the... read more

Propped Up: Soils ain’t Soils

There used to be a series of ads extolling the virtues of a prominent brand of motor oil, the tagline being “Oils ain’t Oils”, rather than getting into a discussion on different base oils, viscosities, additives and uses it’s enough to say just as “oils ain’t... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 2

How did you go? Sixmaps should have enabled you to build a picture of the DP and Lot numbers associated with your property using the map contents guide box. As well you should now have the area and perimeter of each Lot by using the area measure on the tools bar. You... read more

Wettenhall Environment Trust – Small Environmental Grant Scheme

“Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.  We support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community... read more

Hunter Power Project Community Grants

Snowy Hydro is committed to strengthening communities in the local and regional area of the proposed Hunter Power Project. As part of this commitment, we have established a Community Investment Fund to benefit local communities. Community groups and organisations... read more

NSW Environmental Education Awards 2022

We encourage all environmental educators working in NSW to nominate yourself or perhaps a hero, a mentor, or a collaborator. It might be someone who actively inspires others or someone who beavers away relentlessly (we won’t say ‘tirelessly’) in the... read more

Calling Young Conservationists aged 12 – 18 years – share your story with the nation!

As part of the NextGen Landcare Youth Forum to be held on the 23rd of August, Intrepid Landcare is inviting young people aged 18 and under to submit an expression of interest to share their story amongst the lineup of speakers we have in the program on the day. If you... read more

Well Being Benefits of Landcare

Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab View, Print and Download [65.17 KB] Following the release of the sobering State of the Environment Report of 2022, it’s important to engage in actions that support our well being.  Experienced Landcarers... read more

Bolwarra Landcare

The dedicated crew from Bolwarra Landcare met on Sunday morning, July 17th, for their monthly session. They began their morning with a bird survey, observing 19 species of birds in their 20 minute survey, and submitting their results to Birdata. Amongst their... read more

Pest Animal and Weed Management Survey

Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab View, Print and Download [177.00 KB] Document above reads: Pest Animal and Weed Management Survey The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) is conducting a national... read more

St Josephs Primary School Dungog visits Dungog Common

Thanks to Hunter Local Land Services, Hunter Region Landcare Network, and Dungog Commoners Landcare, students in Years 3-6 were treated to a rewarding field trip of water testing, and a hike along. Students learned how to collect a water sample and then had a go... read more

Broke Bulga Landcare restoring the iconic River Red Gum

Broke Bulga Landcare is helping to restore the River Red Gum along Wollombi Brook between the towns of Broke and Bulga, linking the two communities with a common goal.  They have a small pilot project restoring River Red Gum to four private properties at this stage,... read more

National Landcare Week August 1 – 7

“Landcare has never been more important and relevant as we manage and plan for the future during uncertain times. The annual Landcare Week campaign celebrates and acknowledges the thousands of Landcare networks and groups, facilitators, and other environmental care... read more

Weed Watch

As stated in the released State of the Environment Report, “the number of exotic plant species in Australia has surpassed the number of native plant species.” According to The Sydney Weeds Network, “About 65% of weeds invading reserves and bushland are ornamental and... read more

Shorebird Article Series:

This month we defer to a wonderfully informative series of Shorebird Articles written by Neil Fraser of Tomaree Birdwatchers, published by the EcoNetwork Port Stephens. Featuring survey results, maps and handy links; this series is a must-read! Pictured: Bar-tailed... read more

Wing Threads – The Adventures of Microlight Milly

Images source: Amelia Formby (AKA ‘Microlight Milly’) is now 3 weeks into her 20 000km flight around Australia, to raise awareness, educate and “to inspire action to protect the habitats of our amazing migratory shorebirds.” The project, titled ‘Wing... read more

Return of Native Flora & Fauna at Hunter River Reserve

They were heard long before they were seen – the ya-hoos and babbles of a gregarious family of Grey-Crowned Babblers (Pomatostomus temporalis subsp temporalis). The vulnerable Eastern subspecies of babbler moved through the Woodland at Hunter River Reserve,... read more

Plant of the Month: Brigalow

A dandy old horsernan is Brigalow Mick-Which his name, sir, is Michael O’Dowd -Whatever he’s riding, when timber is thick,He is always in front of the crowd.BRIGALOW MICK by Harry (“Breaker”) Morant Images from: Aside... read more

Propped Up: Wet and Wild

By now you should have had a chance to look around your yard and find a spot for maximum winter sunshine and good access (with any luck there will have been a sunny day or two in the past month) and thought about potting up and growing benches. This month we’ll be... read more

May Rising from the Embers Land & Cultural Festival

I hope some of you were able to attend the Rising from the Embers Land & Cultural Festival last month. Hunter Region Landcare Network were fortunate to have been a participant at the festival, showcasing Landcare alongside First Nations organisations with a focus... read more

Callaghan Campus Landcare Group – EOI’s

Hunter Region Landcare Network is working in collaboration with the University of Newcastle to establish a Landcare group to help maintain the stunning bushland on Campus.  Fill out the form below to express your interest in participating;... read more

McCullys Gap Landcare – June Committee meeting

HRLN members and staff were treated to a visit to McCullys gap for our June committee meeting. Despite the gloomy weather, we all had a lovely time getting to know the local landcarers and hear from their experiences. McCullys Gap is a small community of approximately... read more

Understanding Your Property by the Property Detective

As Landcarers we want to understand the features of the properties that we work on. This can be as Landcare Groups or individuals with a farm or small block of land that is our rural escape location. In the a series of articles, we will attempt to gain and... read more

Shorebird Feature: Double-banded Plover

breeding pulmage –  image source non-breeding plumage – image source Charadrius bicinctus You may think that Winter isn’t a good time to spot migratory shorebirds.  It’s true, the majority of migrants have voyaged to the Northern... read more


NSW Department of Primary Industries has issued the following emergency alert: “ALERT Our early warning system has detected varroa mite, which was confirmed as Varroa destructor, in biosecurity surveillance hives at the Port of Newcastle. NSW DPI is working to protect... read more

Hunter Intrepid Landcare – Watagans Mycology Workshop Results

Facilitated by Hunter Region Landcare Network’s workshop grants, through funding from Hunter Local Land Services, Hunter Intrepid Landcare ran a successful Mycology Workshop at Olney State Forest on Saturday, May 14th, 2022. In collaboration with Urban Botanica... read more

Woodland Birds Feature: Woodland Wander

With support from Hunter Local Land Services under the National Landcare Program, HRLN hosted a “Woodland Wander” excursion at Poppet Head Park during the April school holidays. The event was a great success, attended by almost 30 enthusiastic kids from Nulkaba OOSH’... read more

Results of Bell Frog Habitat Planting & Wetland Education

  Awabakal/Worimi Country In collaboration with Local Land Services (LLS) & National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS), Hunter Region Landcare Network facilitated another successful Bell Frog Habitat Planting session on Saturday, May 7th.  It was a... read more

New Executive Committee – May 2022

Hunter Region Landcare Network elected a new Executive Committee on Monday 16th May 2022. The new position holder are as follows: Chairperson:              Stephen Thatcher Vice Chairperson:      Therese Moffitt Secretary/Treasurer:  Lyn Morris Stephen Thatcher... read more

World Migratory Bird Day

Saturday, May 14th, 2022 World Migratory Bird Day is a UN-supported biennial event to raise awareness for the incredible journeys of these migratory birds, and the need for protection of their habitats all around the world. This global conservation campaign mirrors... read more

Gir-um-bit State Conservation Area Koala Project Update

The rain showers didn’t stop the enthusiastic volunteers from coming out to plant trees for koalas on the 9th April at Tanilba Bay.  We were fortunate to start the morning with an entertaining talk by Carmel Northwood from Port Stephens Koalas, engaging the kids... read more

Weeping Lilly Pilly Riparian Rainforest Restoration Update

This month, the wonderful team at Sustaining the Williams Valley officially ‘posted’ the Weeping Lilly Pilly Riparian Rainforest Restoration project for all to see at Frank Robinson Park, Dungog.  A commemorative sign was installed to acknowledge the incredible work... read more

Bell Frog Planting & Survey Results

In collaboration with Local Land Services (LLS) & National Parks & Wildlife Service (NPWS) and under the guidance of University of Newcastle (UoN), we conducted after-dark frog surveys in Kooragang Wetlands National Park.  These ran in conjunction with our... read more

Shorebird Workshop Results

With support from Hunter Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, HRLN hosted another successful shorebird training workshop on Saturday, March 19th, and here are the outcomes;   The Port Stephens workshop was... read more

Pasture Options After a Coastal Flood

We highlighted this handy resource after the April flood in 2021.  In case you missed it, we thought it would be very useful – again… Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab View, Print and Download [359.62 KB]... read more

Fauna Feature: Spotted Quoll ( Dasyurus maculatus)

If you go down to the woods today, you’re in for a big surprise…..   Spotted Quoll Dasyurus maculatus, image from It’s not often we have to put a graphic content warning but here it is, the following is a bit gruesome but I thought it... read more

Woodland Birds Feature: Saving The Critically Endangered Regent Honeyeater

The Regent honeyeater project in the Hunter on THE PROJECT. The Regent Honeyeater is so rare that its love song is at risk of being lost forever. But there’s new hope the critically endangered bird can be brought back from the edge of extinction through science, tech,... read more

Plant of the Month: The Call of the Lotus

Odysseus removing his men from the company of the lotus-eaters (source: Wikipedia) They started at once, and went about among the Lotus-eaters, who did them no hurt, but gave them to eat of the lotus, which was so delicious that those who ate of it left off caring... read more

Landcare Small Grants Funding

This funding round is delayed a bit longer due to the flood crisis, the upcoming election, etc. but now is the time to start formulating a project plan. Landcare groups across NSW will have the opportunity to apply for grants of up to $50,000 to deliver on-ground... read more

Camera Trapping for Pest Management

Victoria Dixon, HRLN Project officer As part of HRLN’s project Supporting Landcare with post-fire and habitat recovery (HR03963), there has been a program of camera trapping in the Congewai, Wollombi/Laguna and Broke/Bulga Landcare regions. The aim of this program has... read more

Koalas Listed as Endangered

On 12 February 2022, the federal Environment Minister listed the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) as ‘endangered’ under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act) in Queensland, NSW and the Australian Capital... read more

Vines gone mad?

Do you have a native vine gone mad with the La Niña conditions we are experiencing? Native vines are an important part of our natural forests.  Photos by Dennis Mayo A tangle of native vines can provide food, shelter and nesting sites for many different species of... read more

Plant of the Month: Eucalyptus nortonii

Life would be so much easier….. Y’know, life would be so much easier if plants could read books, they’d know important things like where they should grow, when they should flower and what they should look like. It would save me a lot of confusion. I’ll often find... read more

Wedge-tailed eagle

The wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax) also known as the eagle-hawk (Birabahn) is significant in the Hunter region for the Awabakal people, traditional custodians of the coastal Hunter area. The Awabakal celestial entity Kon is represented by an Aboriginal man whom,... read more

Summer Shorebird Count

The Birdlife Summer Shorebird Count – which runs from November 15th until February 28th – has 1 month remaining. We encourage attendees of our shorebird workshops, keen birders, shore-dwellers and those interested in conservation, to participate in this... read more

Everybody Likes a Bogong

(with apologies to Area 7) The population of Australia’s iconic Bogong Moth has crashed spectacularly over the past few years dropping by an estimated 99.5%. The drop is believed to have been due to a combination of land-use changes, agricultural chemicals, light... read more

Lake Liddell Reserve Site Rehabilitation

Lake Liddell Land Manager together with Hunter Region Landcare Network is conducting a trial on planting out a denuded, salt infested paddock 1.3 ha in area, on the North-Eastern foreshore of Lake Liddell. The Reserve is a demonstration site for HRLN, established in... read more