The vulnerable Eastern subspecies of babbler moved through the Woodland at Hunter River Reserve, while Landcarers removed garden-escape succulent weeds, in a blithe and noisy relay through the canopy and midstory overhead.
The large, sleek babblers hopped between branches and trees, using their strong scimitar-shaped beaks to probe between the fissures of Ironbark ‘skin’, seeking invertebrates that hide within their folds.
They can utilise this parcel of woodland now that the transformative weeds such as Lantana and Tiger Pear have been removed from the midstory – allowing regeneration of native grasses, shrubs and groundcovers and exposing the leaf litter for their foraging use.
From a mid story previously dominated by exotics, seeing the natural recruitment of Hibbertia pedunculata (Stalked Guinea Flower), Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower), Dianella prunina (Grey Flax Lily), Pultanaea spinosa (Spiny Bush Pea) and juvenile Eucalypts – accompanied by the return of threatened native fauna is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Pictured below is Hibbertia pedunculata in flower – a ground cover that was naturally recruited from the seedbank, following the removal of weeds. A key ID feature is the elongated peduncle (stalks) of the flowers.
Hunter River Reserve Landcare regularly meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our next working bee is planned for July 20th at 8am.
Join us on Sunday, July 31st, 2022, for a community planting day for National Tree Day.
Contact Gabrielle on 0478 670 146 or
Do you have a Landcare story or sighting to share?
Email your submission or reach out via socials!