Bolwarra Landcare

Bolwarra Landcare

Newsletters, The Scoop

The dedicated crew from Bolwarra Landcare met on Sunday morning, July 17th, for their monthly session. They began their morning with a bird survey, observing 19 species of birds in their 20 minute survey, and submitting their results to Birdata. Amongst their sightings were Butcherbirds, Straw-necked Ibis and Eurasian Coots. 

This is a great practice, and we strongly encourage other Landcare Groups to do the same.

The team then went about weeding and maintaining the plantings from earlier in the year, avoiding the wetter sections of the site. 

We were very impressed by the group for getting out there, despite the volume of rain & flooding experienced in the local surroundings. Good onya!


Image credit: Eric Huber (Earthcare Park Landcare)

Do you have a Landcare story or sighting to share?

Send your submission Gabrielle or via our social media!