Local Groups
The Hunter Region includes around 260 local Landcare groups.
Select your local area below or contact your Local Landcare Coordinator to connect with a group.
Cessnock | Dungog | Lake Macquarie | Maitland | Muswellbrook | Newcastle | Port Stephens | Singleton | Upper Hunter
Hunter Intrepid Landcare
The Hunter’s roving Landcare group for young adults. Connecting young people with a passion for Landcare and adventure. Contact: hunterintrepidlc@gmail.com
Cessnock Area
Abermain District Landcare
Congewai Valley Landcare
Mount Vincent Landcare
Serena Cubie
E: mountvincentlandcare@gmail.com
Wollombi Valley Landcare Group
Hunter River Reserve
E: lowerhunterlandcare@gmail.com
Hunter Valley Wine Country Landcare
Dungog Area
Dungog Common Landcare
Working bees are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (times vary by season). Family Landcare 10-11.30am on the 4th Sunday of the month.
Sustaining the Williams Valley
Various working bees are held, including Weedy Wednesdays at 4pm.
0411 258 257
E: sustainingwilliamsvalley@gmail.com
Gresford District Landcare Group
Julia Wokes – 0419 127 404
E: juliawokes@hotmail.com
Second Monday of the month during daylight saving, 5.30 pm, various properties. Non-daylight saving, second Saturday of the month, 9.30 am, various locations.
Gresford Community Arboretum
Vacy Riverbank restoration
Lake Macquarie Area
The Lake Macquarie Landcare Network is the collective voice of more nearly 200 groups ensuring that Landcare continues to be grassroots driven.
The Network provides a structure for community input into the management of Lake Macquarie Landcare and associated issues such as insurance, development of policy, business of the Network and governance.
The Network also attracts funding and donations through its Public Fund listing. Landcare activities in Lake Macquarie are guided and supported through a partnership between volunteers, Lake Macquarie Landcare Network Incorporated and Lake Macquarie City Council.
Coal Point Progress Association
The CPPA Landcare crew have been caring for the public bushland reserves along the Coal Point Peninsula since 1995. We are a committed crew and are one of the longest running and geographically largest groups in the city.
Maitland Area
Maitland Landcare Inc
Rutherford meets at Tannant Avenue Reserve
East Maitland meets at Durban Crescent Reserve
For more information contact
Earthcare Park
Luskintyre Landcare Group
Muswellbrook Area
Martindale Creek Catchment Landcare
McCullys Gap Landcare Group
Therese – 0427343366
Lake Liddell Trust
Muscle Creek Landcare
Newcastle Area
City of Newcastle Landcare List
Friends of the School Masters House - Kooragang Wetlands
Hunter Wetlands Centre
Morgan Street Reserve, Merewether
Contact: robert.clifton@outlook.com.au
Nobby's Landcare
Contact: marbel@westnet.com.au
Port Stephens Area
Friends of Tomaree National Park
The Friends of Tomaree National Park is a community group who believe we can improve the integrity and resilience of the national park through community action. We are part of the National Parks Association (Hunter Region), who initiated our group and supports us. We work in partnership with the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
Contact: tomaree-np-friends@npansw.org.au
Tilligerry Habitat
Tilligerry Habitat Reserve is a 9 ha flora and fauna reserve along a sandy foreshore on Tanilba Bay between the townships of Tanilba Bay and Mallabula.
Port Stephens Council Landcare List
Raymond Terrace Landcare
This group undertakes weed management activities in Boomerang Park, meeting on Friday afternoons to promote the conservation of the historic park.
M. 0413 167 630 Ph. 02 4988 0517
Singleton Area
Singleton Shire Landcare Network
Wendy Lawson
E: wendy@arewethere.net
Broke Bulga Landcare Group Inc
E: brokebulgalandcare@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/brokebulgalandcare/
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/broke_bulga_landcare/
Email Newsletter: brokebulgalandcare@gmail.com
Putty / Three Valleys Landcare Group Inc
Ian David – (02) 6579 7171 / 0419 733 022
Upper Hunter Area
Scone Landcare Inc
0407 232 539
E: sconelandcare@gmail.com
Merriwa Landcare Inc
E: upperhunterlandcare@gmail.com>
Murrurundi Landcare
E: upperhunterlandcare@gmail.com>
Want to get involved?
Find out more about starting your own group, or joining an existing group.