
World Migratory Bird Day

Saturday, May 13 is the first of two World Migratory Bird Days in 2023. These annual celebrations fall on the 2nd Saturday of May and October to mark the departure and return of migratory bird species, as they journey to their breeding grounds and back. World... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 10

Investigating Revegetation What was there before? The Hunter Region Landcare Muster held on the First April 2023 gave Landcarers an opportunity to listen to Peter Dixon on the approaches taken to address Revegetation and what this could involve. Today I want to look... read more

Plant of the Month: “You can eat it, but it tastes like…”

Following on from our recent Bush Foods day at Blandford I’m taking a break from trying to identify Eucalypts and looking at some of our local bushfoods. Within the Hunter there would be well over 200* species of native plant which are or have been recorded as edible,... read more

Community Environment Grants

The Lake Mac Community Environment Grants Program, formerly known as Environmental Sustainability Grants Program, is designed to support community-initiated projects that improve our local environment and/or inspire environmentally sustainable behaviour in Lake... read more

Muswellbrook Show

We had a great couple of days at the recent Muswellbrook Show, talking to locals and visitors about their properties, with a plant stall of species propagated at our nearby Landcare nursery, and video’s featuring our Upper Hunter Landcare projects. Muswellbrook Show... read more

Landcare in the Vacy Area

Landcare members in the Vacy area have begun work rehabilitating the Council reserve on the Paterson River where the Allyn and Paterson meet.  This Council reserve was used as a stock crossing and a holding area in days past.  The site was originally adopted by... read more

First Nations Feature: The difference between an ecological burn and a cultural burn

Do you know what the difference is between the terms cultural burn (Aboriginal Land Management) and ecological burn? In this very informative piece by our Fire Ecology Education Officer Oilivia, the vital difference is... read more

Woodland Bird Feature: Honeyeater Migration

Australia has the most complex array of bird movement and dispersal in the world. It is still poorly understood. Whilst other terrestrial continents have very clearly defined seasons with large-scale migrations of birds to go with those extremes of winter and summer,... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 9

Rainfall Expectations and Flood Risk The experience of Lismore over the past year has heightened the community awareness of excessive rainfall and its resultant flooding in various catchments and along river systems. For the Land carer and property owner, it is useful... read more

Shorebird Feature: Shorebird Disturbance Monitoring

Listen to Ms. Mattea Taylor, PhD Candidate in Environmental Science, interviewed on ABC Radio National by Robyn Williams.  She overviews her PhD Research in Shorebird Disturbance Monitoring, declining numbers globally and investigating the impact of local industrial... read more

Good News For Our Waterways!!

Four Hunter groups- Wollombi Landcare, Sustaining the Williams Valley, Luskintyre Landcare and Lambs Valley Landcare have received small grants through the Landcare riparian grants program to improve the vegetation condition along each of their riparian zones through... read more

AAEE Conference – Wollongong Sept 2023

The Australian Association of Environmental Education Conference theme is ‘Listening to Country, Learning Together and Transforming the Future’, fostering innovation, collaboration, resilience and genuinely effective action for a sustainable future. Featuring... read more

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences – Sunset Tours

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences – Sunset Tour, 18th August, 4 – 8pm. Wollombi has been, for millennia, an important meeting place, to which Aboriginal people would travel great distances for trade, social intercourse, and ceremony. The focus of... read more

Lake Macquarie Landcare Nursery Volunteer Opportunities

Are you a green-thumb with a passion for growing plants? Do you want to learn more about native plant propagation? The Lake Macquarie Landcare nursery, part of the Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku, at Booragul is looking for more volunteers to... read more

Do you have some Young Environmental Champions?

Action for Agriculture is supporting young people to become agents of change through their Young Environmental Champions program. The 10 week program focuses on networking, mentoring and empowering students to engage in their community. Available for Stage 3-5... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 8

Rainfall and Topography Our last article looked at the rainfall for the location where our farming or Landcare activity takes place. This time we take a closer look at topography to gain an appreciation of the impact of water on the surface of our locality. To gain a... read more

Plant of the Month: Lomandra longifolia

Member of Wollombi Landcare, Andrea Lang has written a short and entertaining article about how to gather and grow this creek-side helper, so please enjoy the article and get your Lomandra on! Lomandra is the backbone of many a revegetation project because of its... read more

Plant of the Month: Ironbarks

It was the man from Ironbark who struck the Sydney town, He wandered over street and park, he wandered up and down. He loitered here, he loitered there, till he was like to drop, Until at last in sheer despair he sought a barber’s shop. “‘Ere! shave... read more

Planet Ark – ‘The Seedling Bank’

Grants open until 25 February 2022 Planet Ark’s National Tree Day team launched ‘The Seedling Bank’ in 2019 to give communities and schools the funds they need to put seedlings in the ground. The program builds on the success of Australia’s largest tree planting and... read more

Hunter Local Land Services Seed Collection and Propagation

The HLLS volunteer crew would love to start getting their hands dirty, growing some plants for local landholders, landcarers and community groups.  You can: = Give seed to LLS to propagate and support projects/hold in seed bank = Bring it to the nursery (Kooragang,... read more

Barrington Broom Monitoring

Hunter Region Landcare Network (HRLN) and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services (NPWS) are developing a program to engage volunteers as Citizen Scientists in Barrington Tops NP, to monitor the presence and control of Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius). HRLN Project... read more

Hunter Region Landcare heroes recognised at Australia Day Awards

Hunter Region Landcare Network congratulate Bill Dowling and Stephen Thatcher for having their hard work and dedication to the environment recognised at their regional 2023 Australia Day Awards. Dungog Shire Council – Environmental Citizen Award Bill Dowling and... read more

First Nations Feature – Cultural Burning at Curricabark: Walking together in conservation

This video documents a Cultural Burn conducted on private property in Curricabark, Biripi Country, as part of a collaborative conservation project – COBRA (Curricabark Open air Biodiversity Research laborAtory). The burn was facilitated by Indigenous... read more

Spreading the ‘Shorebird Word’

During the Summer School Holidays, Hunter Region Landcare Network held 2 Kids Storytime and Art Workshops to coincide with our Shorebird Exhibition at Tomaree Library. This exhibition, supported by stunning Shorebird Photographs provided by the Hunter Bird Observers... read more

Shorebird Feature: #sharetheshore with our Endangered Beach Nesting Birds

Australia is home to several species of waders and seabirds that nest on our ocean beaches and on the sandy shores, sandspits and islands within our estuaries. These environments are rich with marine life that the birds use to raise their families. Some birds, such as... read more

The Woodland Plant Helping Regent Honeyeaters from then Brink of Extinction

With less than 300 birds left in the wild, the Regent Honeyeater is a bird in dire need of help. These stunning birds will travel vast distances in search of food sources that provide high yields of nectar. Spotted Gum, Broad-leaved Ironbark, and Swamp Mahogany are... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 7

Water and my Property An abundant feature of many locations during the past year, has been significant rainfall. A further issue has been the impact of downstream flows that can have an impact even though rainfall at the location was not necessarily high! The... read more

Tabbil Creek to Martins Creek Corridor Project

A unique project has started within the Tabbil Creek to Martins Creek Corridor, extending from Bingleburra in the North to Martins Creek in the South. The project is set to create opportunities to engage landowners around natural regeneration and revegetation,... read more

The Soil Food Web Part 2

This month, lets talk about organic matter and its role in the soil food web. “Soil organic matter” includes all the organic substances in or on the soil. These include: Living organisms: Bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, earthworms, arthropods, and living roots.... read more

Training opportunities: Big Scrub Rainforest

Not so much a training opportunity as a look into what’s possible in Landcare. Big Scrub is a lowland subtropical rainforest on the north coast of NSW, once part of the great Gondwana rainforest. The Big Scrub Landcare group set about a long-term ecological... read more

NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare

What is it and what does it mean for us in the Hunter region? The NSW Parliamentary Friends of Landcare (PFL) is a cross-party group of NSW Members of Parliament who have a common interest in demonstrating support for the goals of Landcare and a commitment to... read more

Belltrees Primary School

Winners of the Sustainable Schools NSW, School of the Year Award for 2022. Net-Zero by the end of 2022! Teachers, students and the wider school community have undertaken activities to decrease their carbon footprint, rewild their school landscape and incorporate EE... read more

Register Your Interest as a Citizen Scientist for Shorebirds

Looking for conservation opportunities over the Summer? Assist University of Newcastle PhD Candidate, Mattea Taylor, in disturbance monitoring of our local Shorebirds around high tide. These surveys will be conducted over consecutive months, until April 2023. Register... read more

Aussie Ark Visit

Hunter Region Landcare Network’s visit to Aussie Ark this month was a joyful experience for all.  We pitched in to do what Landcare does best- help plant and weed in the Tassie devil, Long nosed potoroo and Brush tailed rock wallaby enclosures.  Scotch Broom is... read more

Mount Vincent Landcare regenerating Brunkerville Reserve

Mount Vincent Landcare group has recently taken stewardship of Brunkerville Reserve on Gills Lane, a One-hectare bushland reserve with 150m of frontage onto Brunkerville Creek.  This beautiful natural reserve contains tree species from Coastal Foothills Spotted Gum... read more

Shorebird Feature: Bar-tailed Godwit

Last month, migratory shorebirds made global news headlines for setting a new World Record for the longest continuous migratory flight.  Previously held by another Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica subsp. baueri), the juvenile flew for 13 560km over the Pacific... read more

Woodland Bird Feature: Regent Honeyeater

Did you know that the most important habitat for the critically endangered Regent Honeyeater is here in the lower Hunter Valley? Last month the local wild population was boosted with the release of 50 zoo-bred birds in the Tomalpin Woodlands, south of Kurri... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 6

Soil As Landcarers we are conscious of the soil upon which we are working. Unfortunately, the soil structure in many locations has been altered through land clearing and unsustainable agricultural practices. Today most landholders seek to maintain and improve the... read more

Plant of the Month: Scribbly Gums

“The Gumnut Strike”. May Gibbs. Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. “They were surprised to see an Editor writing all about them in his newspaper.  Gumnut Editors generally write backwards because they say it takes longer to read it that way, and people think they are getting... read more

Training opportunities: Removing Weed Waste

Each month we’ll feature resources for training, learning, and up-skilling in bush regeneration techniques and other Landcaring activities. Do you need to remove weed waste from your Landcare site? Some weed waste can be left onsite for habitat, particularly for small... read more

Wettenhall Environment Trust – Small Environmental Grants Scheme: Expressions of Interest open on December 1st

“Providing support for people undertaking projects that will make a positive difference to the natural living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban. We support grassroots organisations and individuals, and academics who are working with on-ground community... read more

Paddock Trees for Koalas

Do you have isolated paddock trees on your property, or remnant vegetation that can potentially provide stepping stones for koalas and other fauna? Our Landcare networks on the Mid Coast are currently looking at properties within Koala ARKS for potential future... read more

Queens’ Jubilee celebration at Bolwarra

Another 500 trees have been planted at Bolwarra Sports Complex thanks to community support in Maitland.  We are well on our way to reaching 2000 trees at this site, not including understory plants.  While it is unusual to be planting into summer, we are taking... read more

First Nations Feature: Listening to Indigenous Voices

Listening to Indigenous Voices – Land & Farming Sunday 20th November, 2 – 4pm, James Theatre, Dungog Land & Farming is the first of the Listening to Indigenous Voices Series. With the evolving evidence of extreme weather events, now is the time to... read more

Register Your Interest as a Citizen Scientist for Shorebirds

Assist University of Newcastle PhD Candidate, Mattea Taylor, in disturbance monitoring of Shorebirds around high tide. These surveys will be conducted over consecutive months, from October 2022 to April 2023. Register your interest here to become a Citizen Scientist... read more

Propped Up: Soils Ain’t Soils – Part 2

A couple of months ago I started a trial of some different “Premium” potting mixes, it has been a fairly cool start to spring so seedling growth was a little slow, and some seedlings had gotten frosted and died but most of the plants have now grown enough to see any... read more

Shorebird Feature: Results from Welcome Shorebirds Events

With support from Hunter Local Land Services through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, Hunter Region Landcare Network hosted a weekend of collaborative events with the University of Newcastle (UoN) and the Hunter Bird Observers Club... read more

Woodland Bird Feature:  Stanford Merthyr Infants School Celebrate National Bird Week

Stanford Merthyr Infants School celebrated National Bird Week by kicking off their Woodland Birds program with two visits from our Project Officer Meg. In preparation for future woodland bird education and activities, the students turned their focus to the most... read more

The Soil Food Web: Part 1 Introduction

Last month, we learned that soil is not an inert growing medium – it is a living and life-giving natural resource. It is teaming with billions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that are the foundation of an elegant symbiotic ecosystem. Lets start learning about... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 5

Geology Understanding the Geology of your locality is a basic piece of information for property holders as this gives a strong indication of  the soils that cover the geological strata. This information is available through the NSW Government website at:... read more

Plant of the Month: Who’s a Sap?

The next group of Eucalypt like trees we’re looking at are the bloodwoods. The bloodwoods derive their common name from the large amount of sap they produce, previously listed in the Eucalyptus they were split off into the Corymbia genus in the 1990’s. Apart from the... read more

Training opportunities: RegenTV

Each month we’ll feature resources for training, learning, and up-skilling in bush regeneration techniques and other Landcaring activities. This month’s feature is from RegenTV – The Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (winners of the 2022... read more

Landcare Sightings: Eastern Bearded Dragon

Spotted by Victoria, one of our Project Officers, whilst putting in the leg work for Camera Trapping at Congewai. This handsome Eastern Bearded Dragon (Pogona barbata) was found up a tree, basking in the last of the afternoon sun. You can find these bearded dragons... read more

Bushfire Restoration Grants

The Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife invites applications to support revegetation activities for communities in the Local Government Areas (LGA) listed as impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires Applications close: Sunday 30 April 2023, unless the funds are... read more

Landcare Muster – Last chance to share your ideas!

A Landcare Muster is a gathering for Landcarers across the Hunter region to come together to share and celebrate our achievements, and look to the future with ideas and inspiration. We are asking you as Landcarers to tell us how you would like to celebrate together.... read more

Fire Danger Ratings Have Changed

You can find the new Fire Danger Ratings to check the fire danger for your area on the RFS website, Fires Near Me NSW smartphone app and on roadside signs. Find out more here: New fire danger rating system to keep communities safe this bush fire season – NSW... read more

Turtle Monitoring Citizen Science

During November, the researchers at would like everyone to be out and about near their local waterways, keeping an eye out for turtles crossing roads and helping them get to the other side safely, looking for sightings of turtles emerging to nest... read more

Fern Creek Landcare: An Intergenerational Landcare Story with Peter Dalton and Gabrielle Stacey

Gabrielle and Peter recount how the unlikely duo combined the Landcare experience and institutional knowledge of an older generation with the marketing knowledge and fresh perspective of a diverse younger generation — showing how intergenerational partnerships are the... read more

Meet Daintry Gerrand, our Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF)

Daintry is part of the Natural Resource Management Team at Hunter Local Land Services, who works alongside our Landcare Coordinators at HRLN. Daintry has a strong focus on connecting with the community – landholders, Landcare community and agriculture industry:... read more

Want to start a Landcare site in the Maitland LGA?

Maitland City Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from interested people that are willing and committed to improving and regenerating a location near you as part of a Landcare group  Click here to register:... read more