Mount Vincent Landcare group has recently taken stewardship of Brunkerville Reserve on Gills Lane, a One-hectare bushland reserve with 150m of frontage onto Brunkerville Creek. This beautiful natural reserve contains tree species from Coastal Foothills Spotted Gum grey ironbark forest community as well as Grey myrtle, paperbarks, Port Jackson fig and plentiful native vines.
With a small grant from Local Land Services, the group has brought in professional help for primary weeding of lantana, blackberry, blue periwinkle, privet, camphor laurel and moth vine.
At the working bee in November, the group hand pulled seedling regrowth of lantana, privet, camphor laurel and annual weeds. Annual weeds were bagged and removed from site to prevent seeding- Over 15 bags worth!
If you are interested in coming along for a working bee with a friendly and knowledgeable bunch of people, contact Stacy here.