The Scoop

Dungog’s Iconic Weeping Lilly Pilly Trees (500 to 1000 years old)

The removal of privet from the banks of the Williams River at Abbott’s Flat has uncovered one of Dungog’s secret treasures – the magnificent ancient Weeping Lilly Pillys, previously hard to see because of encroaching greenery and the branches of weeds.

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Cane Toad season is fast approaching, and we are on the lookout.

Think you have seen a cane toad? They can be easily mistaken for large native frogs.

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Funding for Landcare groups in the Newcastle Electorate

Hunter Region Landcare Network has been granted funding through the NSW Government Premier’s Department, thanks to Tim Crakenthorp MP, your Member for Newcastle.

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Plant of the Month: In the Grip of the Grape

You may not know it but Australia has quite a few native members of the grape family (Vitaceae). We’re all familiar with Vitis vinifera (and other table and wine grapes) but less well known is that Australia is home to around 30 members of the Vitaceae family, occurring in all mainland states except South Australia (though I think they make up for it with production of Vitis vinifera).

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Hunter Region Planning for the next 4 years of the National Landcare Program

Our Coordinators from the Hunter Region Landcare Network are now scheduling visits to all Landcare groups and private landowner Landcare groups in the Hunter region to assess the needs and capture the ideas of each group/ area for the next 4 years of the National Landcare Program funding. 

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The Banksia Foundation Sustainability Awards

All of our Landcarers deserve recognition for the work they do on their patch and the Hunter Region Landcare Network can provide member groups with a letter of support for a grant or award application that your group wishes to apply for. Just send us an email with a... read more

Soil carbon innovation project OPPORTUNITY for farmers.

Farmlab is working with the University of Queensland project on a $4m project funded by the Fed Govt (A/B Testing areas of carbon on farms) Check out this brief intro video: Register for the Project Our project is a part of the Federal Government’s National Soil... read more

Opportunity for landowners in the Upper Hunter LGA to earn annual payments for protecting remnant native vegetation.

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) is offering landholders in the Upper Hunter Shire the opportunity to earn annual payments to protect remnant native vegetation on their property. To help you better understand the Upper Hunter conservation tender the BCT... read more

Congewai Landcare Update

Thanks to the generous funding from HRLN, Congewai Valley Landcare was able to run a fabulous eucalypt identification workshop on Saturday July 22 in the Congewai School Hall.

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Drop into our Landcare Office at the Hunter Wetlands Centre

We get numerous visitors to our office of the bird kind, including Pie the resident Magpie Goose, but did you know you can drop in and see us in our office at the Hunter Wetlands Centre? Staff and volunteers are often onsite Mondays and Wednesdays, so if you want to... read more

Bush Tucker Workshop Series Success

The Hunter Region Landcare Network recently hosted our second Bush Tucker Workshop at Singleton Community Garden, alongside our collaborators from Hunter Local Land Services and others. Participants were able to learn about bush tucker and experience seeing, feeling,... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 13

Where are you at with your understanding of your property? After a year of articles, I thought it appropriate that we review our understanding of what we have explored over the past year. By using Sixmaps we are able to accurately locate our property and compare the... read more

Plant of the Month: Fruits of the Forest

Another vegetation type which is high in numbers of edible plants are the rainforests, we’ve previously talked about the Magenta Lily Pilly (Szyzigium paniculatum) and Sandpaper Fig (Ficus coronata) Plum Pine, (Podocarpus elatus) (Gurra-warra – Kattang) Also... read more

Lake Liddell Recreation Area Update

Since 2004, Lake Liddell Landcare has planted more than 22,000 trees and undertaken erosion control, mulching trials, vegetation mapping, wind breaks, salinity studies and weed removal. Recently, Hunter Valley Operations (HVO) apprentices planted 420 trees at the Lake... read more

Spotlight on Earthcare Park Landcare Group and the 1 Million Turtles Community Conservation Program

Earthcare Park Landcare group has been in existence since 1995 with a vision of rehabilitating an endangered remnant spotted gum and ironbark forest. The area we manage is leased crown land of some 35Ha and includes a section of the greater Tenambit wetland where... read more

Flyways: The Story of Migratory Shorebirds on ABC iView

Flyways: The Story of Migratory Shorebirds on ABC iView Flyways tells the story of the world’s most incredible athletes – shorebirds – and documents the pressures placed on these birds by climate change and ever-expanding human development. Watch the... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 12

Checking my property needs A way by which it is possible to assess property needs is to make use of material that is available through our Local Land Services. Generally, Landcare groups are interested in smaller sites but many Landcarers are involved in their own... read more

Plant of the Month: Vegetable Chicken

Where there’s water there’s food, this also applies with salt water, saltmarshes generally having a few edible species either in them or nearby, generally growing in salt water are the halophytes, these plants suck up salt water and retain the salt in their leaves.... read more

Australasian Ornithological Conference 2023

Brisbane / Meaanjin, Queensland BirdLife Australia and Birds New Zealand are excited to announce the 12th Australasian Ornithological Conference (AOC) will be held in Brisbane 2023. The AOC will be hosted at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from Tuesday... read more

Plant of the Month: How to shoot plants!

I often get photos sent to me with requests to identify the plant in the photo, sometimes it’s a challenge, not just from the rarity and obscurity of the plant but from the quality of the photo. A lot of times they’re out of focus, grainy, showing multiple plants,... read more

Shorebird Feature: Winter Shorebird Count

Mid-May to mid-August is the Australian Winter Shorebird Count, with optimal sightings predicted for July 1st. Shorebird Guardians, twitchers and interested citizen scientists are encouraged to submit their surveys any time within that period, via the Birdata app or... read more

Woodland Bird Feature: Regent Honeyeaters Update

With the final Regent Honeyeaters that were being monitored as part of the 2022 captive release seemingly leaving the vicinity of the Tomalpin Woodlands, the hunt is now on to find where they have gone – and – where other Regent Honeyeaters are! Right now, as you’re... read more

Box Gum Grassy Woodlands Tour

Take a tour of the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands along the new Merriwa Pathway. A new pathway with a mural and interpretive signs along the 4km pathway has been completed. It is providing visitors to the area with fascinating information about the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands... read more

Landcare NSW Gathering

Committee Members of the Hunter Region Landcare Network (HRLN) and Coordinator staff attended the Landcare State Gathering in Coffs Harbour last week. The gathering enabled Landcare Committee Members and staff from each of the 11 regions in NSW to come together and... read more

Join the Hunter Region Landcare Network

Being a Committee Member with the Hunter Region Landcare Network not only provides the opportunity to add value and skills to the planning and delivery of local and regional landcare projects, you also get to see landcare projects in action on the 3rd Monday of each... read more

Post-Fire project Across Three Landcare Groups Wrap Up

Loading... Taking too long? Reload document | Open in new tab View, Print and Download [383.17 KB] Revegetation across three Landcare Groups Improve Biodiversity and Resilience Hunter Region Landcare Network The issue Following the devastating fires in 2019/20, HRLN... read more

First Nations Feature: NAIDOC Week 2023

“We’re proud to announce that the 2023 National NAIDOC Week theme is For Our Elders.  Across every generation, our Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families.  They are cultural... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 11

Your Vegetation – Trees near Me The Tocal Field Days were filled with visitors asking questions about the type of vegetation that was found in the locality of their farm or bush block. This prompted reflection on accessing the type of vegetation encountered on... read more

Hunter Region Landcare Network Membership from 1st July 2023

Hunter Region Landcare Network Incorporated Membership Structure Hunter Region Landcare Network (HRLN) Incorporated has updated its constitution with changes to membership structure and membership fees.  Membership of HRLN is open to all individuals and Landcare or... read more

Reminder to be aware of the risks at your Landcare site

Reminder to be aware of the risks at your Landcare site. And carry a snake bandage as part of your first aid kit. This image is courtesy of the Vacy group. An Eastern brown snake’s (Pseudonaja textilis) habitat was disturbed while carrying out revegetation at the... read more

Community Environment Grants

Round One 2023-24 applications open 14 August 2023 – 24 September 2023 The Lake Mac Community Environment Grants Program, formerly known as Environmental Sustainability Grants Program, is designed to support community-initiated projects that improve our local... read more

Hunter LLS Community Small Grants and Education Scholarships

Applications submitted any time, start building your application for next financial year. Hunter Local Land Services will be delivering a program for community groups, networks or associations and individuals in building knowledge, skills and participation in land... read more

2023 National Custodians of Country Gathering

On behalf of Firesticks Alliance, Landcare Australia invites Expression of Interest to present at the National Custodians of Country Gathering (the Gathering) hosted in Cairns from August 21-25, 2023. Guidelines for the Call for Expressions of Interest  The 2023... read more

Nature Conservation Council Bushfire Conference 2023

May 24 -26 Surry Hills, Sydney The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) is proud to present their 13th Biennial Bushfire Conference – Managing Bushfire Together: applying science, skills and stories. The conference will take place on Wednesday 24th and... read more

2023 Landcare Muster – a joyous celebration for Landcare!

With 80 Landcarers from across the Hunter region, we had a wonderful time learning, networking, and exploring a range of topics with Peter Dixon of AABR, including landcare and bush regeneration methodologies, planning for the future, managing our patches for climate... read more

Notice of a Special General Meeting

The Hunter Region Landcare Network is calling a Special General Meeting for the presentation and adaptation of a new Constitution on Monday 22nd May 2023 at 10am at Merriwa Council Offices (34-40 Vennacher St). The Constitution is a guide to our principles and... read more

20 Year Celebration of Shorebird Habitat Restoration in the Hunter Estuary

On Saturday, April 22nd, Hunter Region Landcare hosted a celebratory lunch for the Hunter Bird Observers Club (HBOC) on behalf of National Parks & Wildlife Services (NPWS) at the Stockton Sandspit. This event marked the 20 Year Anniversary of on-going restoration... read more

Nocturnal Spotlighting at Hunter River Reserve, Greta

Last Friday evening, Landcare volunteers were taken on a guided spotlighting session – to try and spot nocturnal critters who utilise the site after-dark. Starting in the Woodland, the group of a dozen kept quiet while we very carefully walked down the staircase... read more

Nesca Park Landcare, Cooks Hill – transformation of an urban weedy gully to a restored Littoral Rainforest.

Next time you’re in Newcastle, take the time to walk through Nesca Park, from Darby Street to the Anzac Walk. Landcare volunteers have been working over many years with the support of Newcastle Council, to restore the gully from remnant Littoral Rainforest... read more

First Nations Feature: The Difference between an Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country?

At our recent Bush Tucker Workshop in Blandford in the Upper Hunter, Uncle Warren Welcomed us to Country with a smoking ceremony. He described it as a way to cleanse all the bad spirits out of you, and mother earth welcoming us to this country. A Welcome to Country is... read more

World Migratory Bird Day

Saturday, May 13 is the first of two World Migratory Bird Days in 2023. These annual celebrations fall on the 2nd Saturday of May and October to mark the departure and return of migratory bird species, as they journey to their breeding grounds and back. World... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 10

Investigating Revegetation What was there before? The Hunter Region Landcare Muster held on the First April 2023 gave Landcarers an opportunity to listen to Peter Dixon on the approaches taken to address Revegetation and what this could involve. Today I want to look... read more

Plant of the Month: “You can eat it, but it tastes like…”

Following on from our recent Bush Foods day at Blandford I’m taking a break from trying to identify Eucalypts and looking at some of our local bushfoods. Within the Hunter there would be well over 200* species of native plant which are or have been recorded as edible,... read more

Community Environment Grants

The Lake Mac Community Environment Grants Program, formerly known as Environmental Sustainability Grants Program, is designed to support community-initiated projects that improve our local environment and/or inspire environmentally sustainable behaviour in Lake... read more

Muswellbrook Show

We had a great couple of days at the recent Muswellbrook Show, talking to locals and visitors about their properties, with a plant stall of species propagated at our nearby Landcare nursery, and video’s featuring our Upper Hunter Landcare projects. Muswellbrook Show... read more

Landcare in the Vacy Area

Landcare members in the Vacy area have begun work rehabilitating the Council reserve on the Paterson River where the Allyn and Paterson meet.  This Council reserve was used as a stock crossing and a holding area in days past.  The site was originally adopted by... read more

First Nations Feature: The difference between an ecological burn and a cultural burn

Do you know what the difference is between the terms cultural burn (Aboriginal Land Management) and ecological burn? In this very informative piece by our Fire Ecology Education Officer Oilivia, the vital difference is... read more

Woodland Bird Feature: Honeyeater Migration

Australia has the most complex array of bird movement and dispersal in the world. It is still poorly understood. Whilst other terrestrial continents have very clearly defined seasons with large-scale migrations of birds to go with those extremes of winter and summer,... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 9

Rainfall Expectations and Flood Risk The experience of Lismore over the past year has heightened the community awareness of excessive rainfall and its resultant flooding in various catchments and along river systems. For the Land carer and property owner, it is useful... read more

Shorebird Feature: Shorebird Disturbance Monitoring

Listen to Ms. Mattea Taylor, PhD Candidate in Environmental Science, interviewed on ABC Radio National by Robyn Williams.  She overviews her PhD Research in Shorebird Disturbance Monitoring, declining numbers globally and investigating the impact of local industrial... read more

Good News For Our Waterways!!

Four Hunter groups- Wollombi Landcare, Sustaining the Williams Valley, Luskintyre Landcare and Lambs Valley Landcare have received small grants through the Landcare riparian grants program to improve the vegetation condition along each of their riparian zones through... read more

AAEE Conference – Wollongong Sept 2023

The Australian Association of Environmental Education Conference theme is ‘Listening to Country, Learning Together and Transforming the Future’, fostering innovation, collaboration, resilience and genuinely effective action for a sustainable future. Featuring... read more

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences – Sunset Tours

Wollombi Aboriginal Cultural Experiences – Sunset Tour, 18th August, 4 – 8pm. Wollombi has been, for millennia, an important meeting place, to which Aboriginal people would travel great distances for trade, social intercourse, and ceremony. The focus of... read more

Lake Macquarie Landcare Nursery Volunteer Opportunities

Are you a green-thumb with a passion for growing plants? Do you want to learn more about native plant propagation? The Lake Macquarie Landcare nursery, part of the Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku, at Booragul is looking for more volunteers to... read more

Do you have some Young Environmental Champions?

Action for Agriculture is supporting young people to become agents of change through their Young Environmental Champions program. The 10 week program focuses on networking, mentoring and empowering students to engage in their community. Available for Stage 3-5... read more

Understanding Your Property By the Property Detective Part 8

Rainfall and Topography Our last article looked at the rainfall for the location where our farming or Landcare activity takes place. This time we take a closer look at topography to gain an appreciation of the impact of water on the surface of our locality. To gain a... read more

Plant of the Month: Lomandra longifolia

Member of Wollombi Landcare, Andrea Lang has written a short and entertaining article about how to gather and grow this creek-side helper, so please enjoy the article and get your Lomandra on! Lomandra is the backbone of many a revegetation project because of its... read more

Plant of the Month: Ironbarks

It was the man from Ironbark who struck the Sydney town, He wandered over street and park, he wandered up and down. He loitered here, he loitered there, till he was like to drop, Until at last in sheer despair he sought a barber’s shop. “‘Ere! shave... read more

Planet Ark – ‘The Seedling Bank’

Grants open until 25 February 2022 Planet Ark’s National Tree Day team launched ‘The Seedling Bank’ in 2019 to give communities and schools the funds they need to put seedlings in the ground. The program builds on the success of Australia’s largest tree planting and... read more

Hunter Local Land Services Seed Collection and Propagation

The HLLS volunteer crew would love to start getting their hands dirty, growing some plants for local landholders, landcarers and community groups.  You can: = Give seed to LLS to propagate and support projects/hold in seed bank = Bring it to the nursery (Kooragang,... read more