30 Years of Landcare in the Hunter
Local people caring for their environmentThis book celebrates the contributions made by Landcare groups to the natural environment across the Hunter Region, NSW over the past 30 years.
Each entry tells part of the Landcare story in the Hunter and the people who have succeeded in making a difference to the natural environment and their communities.
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Book Snippets
Enjoy some of these book snippets featuring different sites throughout the Hunter Region.
2002 - Present
Jacknorman Street Landcare was first set up by my wife and myself in June 2002, 18 months after my ...
1996 - Present
Working over multiple sites including McNamara, Stewart McTaggart and Herbert Parks in Broke and ...
2010 - Present
In 2010 Lois Simpson, a member of the Newcastle Ramblers Bushwalking Club initiated the formation ...
2004 - Present
Our group started in 2014 when Barbel Stuhr was asked to run a group at Dixon Park to look ...