30 Years of Landcare in the Hunter

Local people caring for their environment
30 year book cover

This book celebrates the contributions made by Landcare groups to the natural environment across the Hunter Region, NSW over the past 30 years.

Each entry tells part of the Landcare story in the Hunter and the people who have succeeded in making a difference to the natural environment and their communities.

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Book Snippets

Enjoy some of these book snippets featuring different sites throughout the Hunter Region.

Lambs Valley Landcare

Lambs Valley Landcare

1993  - Present Lambs Valley Landcare was formed in 1993 with 28 members. At the time the Lambs Valley community ...
Singleton Landcare

Singleton Landcare

1992 - 2007 In 1992, a meeting  of  land managers from a  wide area of Singleton agreed to form a Landcare group. ...