Hunter Wetlands workshop training and supporting volunteers in Landcare
The workshop was reasonably successful with a total of 23 people attending. (Attendance form attached).
I believe we achieved our goal, to educate and inform people on how to train and support volunteers. Ken Balyiss (Guest speaker) spoke about native plant propagation, a topic not too many people were familiar with. Ken had people asking him some very interesting questions and everyone seemed to find it quite informative.
Jenny Castles (Guest speaker) spoke about her time in land care and what she has achieved over the years. The audience found this quite interesting as they were pleased to learn that Jenny and her team played a role in restoring a lot of local parks and Wallsend cemetery.
Once the workshop had completed we had the opening of “Tuxford park track” an area that Jenny and her volunteer team had been restoring for the past few months. This was enjoyable as guests were able to see firsthand the impact that volunteers have on Landcare.
Overall the workshop was a success, with the audience learning more about volunteering in Landcare and leaving with valuable knowledge they would not have had previously.
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