The River Reserve looking much better
The Hunter River Reserve contains one of the last remaining stands of intact native vegetation along the Lower Hunter River, a host of native wildlife, and a direct river access via historic sandstone steps and pathways.
Hunter Region Landcare Network recieved a grant from the Communities Environment program to regenerate the Lower Hunter Valley Dry Rainforest endangered ecological community. Contractors and Landcare have been tackling a large infestation of madeira vine, balloon vine, green centrum, lantana and other weeds.
Last Saturday, 7th March 2020, twenty members of the local community came together to help plant out 200 canopy trees on the lower slopes of the reserve. Conditions were perfect for planting with a good amount of moisture in the soil and the light drizzle didn’t scare the group away.
“Everyone worked well together and we enjoyed being part of such a worthwhile project” commented Margaret, one of the volunteers. It is very rewarding seeing results of all those new trees in the ground and to think about the positive impact we are making for the future of our climate and native wildlife.
Landcare volunteers meet at the Reserve the first Friday of every month to continue weeding and maintain plantings.