The first Landcare group was formed at Winjallok near St Arnaud in central Victoria in 1986. Farming neighbours recognised that they could be more effective and have a greater impact if they addressed common natural resource management concerns together.
With the collaboration and support of federal and state government, corporate partners and local Landcare communities, there are now over 5,400 Landcare and Coastcare groups across the country, and over 20 countries have now adopted the Landcare model that was developed here in Australia.
Community Owned and Driven
The keystones of Landcare are that it is community owned and driven, it encourages integrated management of environmental assets with productive farmland, and it promotes a more sustainable approach to private land management.
The success of the Landcare model is due in part to its ‘bottom up’ philosophy.
A Landcare group usually starts when community members with common objectives notice a local environmental issue that needs to be resolved and connect to make it happen.
We are only able to achieve what we do through the inspiring contributions of all the passionate individuals who make up Australia’s Landcare movement-You! So Thank You for all You Do!