Private Land Conservation Matters – Recent Events

The Scoop

Two events have been delivered recently on the PLCM calendar. 

Koala Spotting workshop at Duns Creek

All eyes were up in the trees for this part of the Koala spotting workshop held at Duns Creek brought to you be HRLN with support from the BCT and NSW Koala Strategy team. We learned about koala habitat trees, how to identify primary and secondary feed trees and detect signs of koala activity and improve habitat linkages.  This area is a hotspot for koalas and fits within the ‘Barrington’ ARK (Area of Regional Koala Significance) as mapped by the NSW Government.  These workshops aim to encourage and support more habitat restoration and connectivity on private lands as they are essential for the future of koalas. 

Eucalypt ID at Mulbring

The Eucalypt identification day at Mulbring in April went ahead despite the rain, thanks to our keen participants.  Our wonderful speaker, Paul Gadsby, led us through a simple workflow for narrowing down the genus and species of Eucalypt that we are trying to identify before even reaching for the key guide, making the process much less daunting.  The day started with an indoor session and many samples were collectively observed and identified. Everyone went home with a collection box of samples to guide ongoing learning. 

We have more fascinating workshops planned – Next month, 31st May, we have will be hosting a “Reconnecting and Restoring Koala habitats in the Dungog area’

ALSO-  Lower Hunter Dry Rainforest adventures and Regrowth thinning for Conservation before the end of 2024.

What a wonderful series of events – thanks to everyone involved, including the wonderful hosts, guest speakers and supporters, as well as the funders – The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Landcare NSW