Nursery News

Nursery News – April 24

The Scoop

1100 plants out this month from our Muswellbrook nursery, still a bit short on room and many seedlings to pot up before spring and will be having regular propagation mornings the first and third Wednesdays of the month from 9:30 till about 12:30 at our nursery at 127 Sydney Street Muswellbrook (next to Pursehouse Rural)..

And while we are subsidised by the lovely people at the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife from the 1st of May we will be charging for plants though these will still be cheap.

Available this month:

Blakely’s Red Gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi), smooth barked tree to 20 metres, a fair range of habitat tolerance medium to high fertility soils, 500-750mm rainfall area, west of about Broke. Koala food tree. These ones are suitable for planting as longstems, $2 each, $60 a tray of 40

Dwyer’s Mallee/Dwyer’s Red Gum (Eucalyptus dwyeri), smooth barked mallee or small tree to 15m, prefers sandier country (though will tolerate a range of conditions), 500-600mm rainfall areas, west from Denman (though you’d probably need good drainage if planting in higher rainfall zones), Koala food tree. $1 each, $30 tray of 40.

There’s also a few Rough Barked Apple (Angophora floribunda), White Box (Eucalyptus albens), Rosy Honey Myrtle (Melaleuca diosmatifolia) and Knife Leaf Wattle (Acacia cultriformis) with some Kurrajongs (Bachychiton populneus) a couple of months off.

We do have other plants in stock and more coming on all the time, we’re currently specialising in mid and upper Hunter species but will be adding in lower Hunter species when we get space and seeds.


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