As part of National Tree Day on Sunday 1 August, people all around Australia rolled up their sleeves to plant trees, including at Metford Oval, where Maitland Council invited residents to join in on the planting of 400 seedlings. Local schools also played their part in celebrating National Schools Tree Day with 11 schools across Maitland planting 390 seedlings in their school playgrounds.
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A message from Catherine Pepper, Council’s Manager Environment & Sustainability, who has been very supportive of the HRLN:
Biodiversity is a major focus for our community and Council. In the last year, we’ve been both building up our environmental team by filling exciting new positions and pulling together an Environmental Sustainability Strategy that, following community consultation, will guide our sustainability journey.
Undoubtedly, revegetation and the environment are a challenge for Maitland and concern for our community. But we believe we’ve got the team, the passion in the community and the plans coming together to work towards a greener Maitland.
Community planting days like this will be happening all around Maitland over the next year. They’re a great way to get everyone together and revegetate an area, but ultimately is just one piece of the puzzle in what we will be planning with help from consultation with key community environmental groups and their members like Landcare.