Stacy Mail

Stacy Mail

Lower Hunter Landcare Coordinator

Hello! I’m Stacy Mail, an environmental and land management professional dedicated to fostering stronger connections between communities and the natural world. Serving as the Local Landcare Coordinator for HRLN since 2017, my role involves nurturing the growth of local Landcare groups, leading conservation initiatives, and managing restoration projects that foster significant ecological benefits.

I thrive on building strong partnerships with stakeholders to enhance our natural surroundings and educate our community. My career is a fulfilling journey of working hand-in-hand with nature and people, driving change and learning every day.

Meg Drinan

Meg Drinan

Mid Hunter Landcare Coordinator

Hi! I’m Meg Drinan, a local Singletonian with a history of working within the environmental sector in the realms of bush regeneration, nursery work, revegetation and volunteer work with Landcare, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Rural Fire Service and SES. I have also enjoyed my time working within the agricultural sphere, having worked on sheep and cattle stations in Southwest Queensland.

Previously a primary school teacher of over 10 years, I enjoy collaborating, communicating and working with people of all ages. On weekends I still enjoy volunteer teaching English as a Second  Language to new Australians, helping to strengthen community ties by assisting with assimilation and creating new cultural bonds and friendships.

The Mid Hunter Local Landcare Coordinator role brings all my passions together – the natural environment, education and communication. I look forward to strengthening local Landcare groups, growing enthusiasm alongside plants, creating partnerships and forging new alliances within local communities.

Paul Melehan

Paul Melehan

Upper Hunter Landcare Coordinator

I’m Paul, I’ve been involved with Landcare and NRM mostly in the Hunter Region since late last century.

Starting as an ecotour guide in the coastal heathlands of Port Stephens I’ve worked in bush regeneration, revegetation, weed control, seed collection, nursery development, management and plant propagation, flora surveys with very few roads or tracts of bush I haven’t been into at one time or another. I have special interests in native grasses and bushfoods and have previously worked for Greening Australia, Local Land Services, Conservation Volunteers Australia as well as TAFE and private consultancies and a few years working on one of the local horse studs. I am BAM Accredited and have over 30 years experience with the Rural Fire Service.

When not playing with plants or chasing fires I can often be found hitting lumps of red hot steel or playing with motorbikes.

Helen Rubeli

Helen Rubeli

Hunter Landcare Support Officer

Hello, I am Helen.  I have a background in environmental science and nature education.   I co-managed Wangat Lodge in the Barrington Tops for ten years and have also worked as a primary school teacher in the Hunter. I volunteer for Landcare groups in Dungog where I live.  It’s beautiful Gringai Country.  I am 18 months into my Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management with TAFE. 

I am dedicated to helping communities restore biodiversity and my dream is for future generations to see flocks of Regent Honeyeaters.   In my downtime you will find me at a piano or on the hockey fields in Maitland and Newcastle.

Henrietta Mooney

Henrietta Mooney

Regional Landcare Coordinator

As Regional Landcare Coordinator for the Hunter & Mid Coast, I hope to support Landcare Networks, staff, and the wider community through collaborative regional planning, and setting up partnerships to support Landcare activities. I have always found Landcare to be a wonderful way of bringing people together to care for our natural environments, but it also builds on the strength and resilience of our communities. My wish is for Landcare to grow and continue to provide a voice for healthy landscapes and healthy people. I have worked as an Ecologist since 1995 with non-profit and government organisations, almost always involved in Landcare in urban and rural areas. I am also a Natural History Illustrator, which has allowed me to document Australia’s unique flora and fauna in a different way, through watercolour painting and sculpture.

Balaji Seshadri

Balaji Seshadri

Deputy President

I love to be active and work outdoors. I started my landcare journey in Australia since 2017, while I was involved in similar activities from my young age overseas at my hometown in India. I became a committee member at HRLN in 2020 and since then I have been caring for the land around my dwelling place in the bushlands of Kurri Kurri. In the quest to learn more about the flora, fauna and the overall ecosystems of this region, I tried to enhance my skills through a Certificate III in Land Conservation and Management at Kurri Kurri TAFE.

Through these years, I have learnt a lot from fellow landcarers and the wonderful team at HRLN. My passion towards agriculture has further enhanced looking at the work being done by landholders in the Hunter Valley associated to HRLN. I will continue this journey to be actively working outdoors, and contribute towards better surroundings for our communities.

Stephen Thatcher

Stephen Thatcher


In 1996 I was part of the formation group of Hunter Region Landcare Network and have been a member ever since. I have the honour of being awarded life membership. I have travelled all around the State and even interstate and overseas, contributing to landcare activities. I became Chair of Lake Liddell Recreation Area Reserve in 2004 and have been Chair ever since. I was instrumental in setting up the Lake Liddell Landcare Demonstration Site. The Land Manager and Landcare have been carrying out tree planting, land use practices, salinity studies, weed eradication, composting and mulching trials and erosion control. Muscle Creek Landcare Group was formed in 1995 in Muswellbrook and I was a founding member. The Group has now become a member of Hunter Sustainability Landcare TEAM (the environment always matters) based out of Muswellbrook but incorporating Denman and Sandy Hollow groups under its umbrella. The TEAM holds community garden events, tree planting activities with Schools and community, local landcare rehabilitation and many other activities. Local Disability Services are also involved. Muswellbrook Shire Councils Sustainability Section has been an outstanding partner throughout.

Lyn Morris

Lyn Morris


I got my interest in native plants from my dad, Bob Jones, who was a lifetime member and previous president and secretary of the Society for Growing Australian Plants. He was a relative of Don McNair (of the Don McNair herbarium of University of Newcastle) and they went travelling a lot to outback Aus. I remember as a kid we went on S.G.A.P. outings on weekends.
I have been volunteering with Shortland Wallsend Landcare every Tuesday for about 3 years. Committee member since October 2017. I love Landcare because satisfaction it brings in looking after the environment and seeing the positive changes we make. I enjoy the social interaction and the good friends made along the way.
Leslie Pearson

Leslie Pearson

Committee Member

I have always had an interest in agriculture and the environment.  When I was a college council member (2008 to 2014) of St Philip’s Christian College at Nulkaba, I had the opportunity to develop a college property plan for the 42ha site.  I encouraged the establishment of a Junior Landcare group at the college and became a member of the Hunter Region Landcare Network.

During 2016 I gained a Diploma of Conservation and Land Management to increase my understanding of issues related to our environment and to identify ways by which Landcare groups could make a difference.

Since 2011 I have been involved as a member of the Network.  From 2012 I coordinated the River Red Gum Project.  I occupied the position of deputy chair in 2016 and the role of chair from 2018 to 2020.  For health reasons, I have stepped down from that role and am currently a member of the committee. 

Rebecca Coventry

Rebecca Coventry

Committee Member

have qualifications in agricultural science, education and natural area restoration.

I worked as an education officer for the Royal Botanic Gardens, Mount Tomah and as an agricultural salinity officer in the Murray Valley.

In the Hawkesbury area, I worked in catchment management and as an aquatic weeds officer.

I now live at Congewai where I am a horse breeder, bush regenerator, and president of Congewai Valley Landcare.

I am passionate about natural resource management and biodiversity conservation.

Jenny Castles

Jenny Castles

Committee Member

I have lived in Shortland for more than 50 years and worn hats on many environmental committees. I am one of the original members of the Hunter Region Landcare Network and have attended almost every meeting since its formation. I have always been very passionate for the Network. 

I was a founding member of the Shortland to Wallsend Landcare group which was the first Landcare group in the Newcastle local government area. 

I have been actively involved at the Hunter Wetlands Centre at Shortland in many roles including volunteer Landcare facilitator, board member and site committee member. 

Lois Simpson

Lois Simpson

Committee Member

In our Australian bush is the place I feel most at ease. There I see the network of life in action, and I must thank my mum for opening my eyes to the wonder of it all. Sadly, we see it fractured more and more as our human footprint expands. Sadly, also, as individuals, we cannot save the world.

I can, however, do my bit as a Landcarer to protect and improve my small patch and I firmly believe that volunteer Landcarers across our land are part of the
answer. That belief has led me to be active in Lake Macquarie for twelve years or so, working on several sites, alongside inspiring people and so well supported by our local council. Add to that our involvement in the broader Hunter Region Landcare Network, and we begin to feel the strength of a large band of like-minded people working for such a worthwhile common cause.


Carmel Brown

Carmel Brown

Committee Member

I grew up in country NSW, helping my parents create native gardens in our schoolyards and principal’s residences. I guess that’s why I chose to live at Catherine Hill Bay decades ago, despite the cottage having boards hanging off, the village, bush and beach were like home.

Catherine Hill Bay Dunecare started regenerating dunes to the north on Graveyard Beach, and the banks of Catherine Hill Bay Creek, at the south end.  I joined the Lake Macquarie Landcare Network Committee in 2013 and became the chair for a few years. In 2016 I gained my Diploma in Conservation and Land Management from Tocal.

Why am I still in Landcare? I am continually inspired by the people in Catho still fighting to protect history and community; my bit is giving the flora and fauna a helping hand here, and across the Hunter.