Paddock Trees for Koalas Project

PLCM: Paddock Trees for Koalas Project

The Scoop

Hunter Region Landcare Network and Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare Connection are working with private landowners who have paddock trees that may provide habitat and a stepping stone for koalas and other fauna, either as feed trees or habitat trees.

Through this project, landholders will be asked to fence off small areas adjacent to existing mature paddock trees, using solar energisers and temporary electric fencing kits, to allow natural regeneration to occur within a paddock from the seed bank, for a minimum of 4 years, to allow for juvenile eucalyptus to establish. The fencing will be of a height to exclude stock but allow free passage of koalas and terrestrial wildlife. This project is unique in that it will not only provide a long-term benefit and legacy to the project areas, but the investment will create long-term capacity within the Landcare community to continue to expand on natural regeneration over many years.

Contact your Local Landcare Coordinator to see if your property is within our koala corridors.