Foundation of National Parks and Wildlife lantana clearing

NSW Private Land Conservation Grants Closes 17 March 2017


NSW Private Land Conservation Grants

Conservation isn’t just about National Parks. The PLCG program supports conservation on private land to create habitat corridors between National Parks.

2017 PLCG Funding Round Important Dates

Grants Applications Open: Monday 13 February 2017

Grant Applications Close: Friday 17 March 2017

Grants Announced: Friday 2 June 2017

Reports Due: before Thursday 30th June 2018

PLCG Application Categories

Please note, only one application per property per year is accepted from landholders with one of the following commitments:

  • Category 1: Conservation Agreement under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or Trust Agreement under the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001 or In-perpetuity Registered Property Agreement under the Native Vegetation Conservation Act 1997 – Up to $5,000 a year
  • Category 2: Conservation Property Vegetation Plan under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 or Wildlife Refuge under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 – Up to $2,000 a year
  • Category 3a:: Applications for this level are for group Conservation Training and/or Education and can be submitted by Wildlife Land Trust and / or Land for Wildlife members, Land for Wildlife Regional Providers and Trainers / educators on behalf of Wildlife Land Trust and/or Land for Wildlife – Up to $2,000 a year for training or education proposals
  • Category 3b: Applications can be submitted by Wildlife Land Trust and / or Land for Wildlife members – Up to $1,500 a year for on ground works

For further information, please contact

Jennie Morgan, Grants Manager

P: 02 9221 1949
