Newcastle Inner City Bypass – Conservation

The Scoop

Great news for the conservation of plant species from around the Newcastle Inner City Bypass – Rankin Park to Jesmond.  The Hunter Region Landcare Network, Trees in Newcastle, and Fulton Hogan have been working together to ensure the conservation of plant species around the Newcastle Inner City Bypass Rankin Park to Jesmond project, in particular, the threatened species of Tetratheca juncea.

Plant propagation of a variety of species collected from the site is well underway including a range of Eucalyptus grown from seed in both the Landcare and Trees in Newcastle Nurseries. These plants will be returned to the site once the bypass construction has been completed in stages, as part of the site rehabilitation.

Some plants propagated from seed have already been used to rehabilitate Yallarwah Place alongside the Sustainability and Aboriginal Engagement team from Hunter New England Local Health District.

Further enquiries can be directed to Henrietta Mooney, Regional Landcare Coordinator, Hunter Region Landcare Network M: 0418 399 281.