HRLN Hunter Rainforest Revival

Hunter Rainforest Revival

Latest Newsletter, The Scoop

Stacy Mail is heading up a team to deliver a 5-year education and training program to revive the Lower Hunter Dry Rainforest thanks to funding from the NSW Environmental Trust, with partners Hunter Local Land Services and Maitland City Council.

The project aims are to:

  • Create a network of Dry Rainforest habitats in the Maitland region.
  • Educate community members in regional restoration of Dry Rainforest.


Prior to colonisation a significant portion of the Lower Hunter was covered in Dry Rainforest, including Maitland floodplain zones, riparian sections of the Hunter, Paterson and Williams Rivers and protected hillslopes and gullies. Dry Rainforest lowland sections have been almost completely cleared of rainforest species since colonisation; the remnant rainforest is now restricted to inaccessible, steep hill slopes and isolated, degraded remnants.


We will be revegetating and regenerating a string of strategic Dry Rainforest patches across the Lower Hunter in key floodplain and riparian areas. We will be trialling a conceptual model for recreating these rainforests in the Hunter catchment developed by landcarer Peter Wilson. There will be planting, education, seed propagation and monitoring activities for landholders and community members including school students, community groups, existing landcarers and families new to landcaring.

Revegetation sites are being identified and prepared in readiness for initial plantings starting in April to June 2025. Community involvement is welcomed to help make this project a success. Together, we will be restoring, understanding and caring for the habitats created. Dates and details will be advertised soon. Stay tuned!

To join the project e-mail list contact Stacy at