HRLN Healing Country A Landcare and Cultural Immersion Experience

Healing Country: A Landcare and Cultural Immersion Experience

Latest Newsletter, The Scoop

Despite the blustery weather on Friday 17th January, this workshop was fully booked out, with Landcarers gathering at 4pm at Minimbah Teaching Place Bulga, to access Cultural Knowledge. HRLN partnered with the Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT), Allison Warry and Peter Crowe of Firesong Indigenous Connection, Uncle Warren Taggart, Local Land Services (LLS) and Singleton Shire Landcare Network for a fabulous evening. 

The workshop began superbly with Uncle Warren’s Welcome to Country, and the afternoon just got better from there. Landcarers were led on a comprehensive guided walk and talk through the surrounding bush with local experts Allison Warry and HRLN’s Upper Hunter Coordinator, Paul Melehan. Their superior knowledge on the indigenous and endemic plants in the area fascinated attendees, who had plenty of time for questions and discussion. More expert knowledge was then imparted from the Regional BCT manager Ben Fitzpatrick, and LLS Natural Capital Advisor Eloise Haigh. 

A sumptuous Bush Tucker feast was then enjoyed by all, thanks to the efforts of Peter Crowe of Firesong Indigenous Connection, which saw most participants going back for seconds and thirds! 

This event was planned in collaboration with Singleton Shire Landcare Network member Kieran Fellowes, who has a huge involvement with the maintenance of  Apex Heuston lookout in Singleton. The site is an Endangered Ecological Community of Grey box ironbark of the Central Hunter Valley. Anyone interested in participating in working bees at Apex Heuston Lookout can contact Meg Drinan for more information.

Thank you to all who participated, making this the last of HRLN’s memorable BCT workshops for this season.

Firesong Indigenous Connection