Box Gum Grassy Woodlands are a feature of Eastern Australian landscapes. This vegetation community is listed as an Ecologically Endangered Community because of the flora and fauna this community supports, including the Regent Honeyeater and Swift Parrot.
The Hunter Region Landcare Network is currently facilitating a Woodland Birds School Education Program 2019 – 2023. This is funded through the National Landcare Program Phase 2 and Local Land Services Project (Bringing Back the Regent Honeyeater: a flagship species for our forests, farms, rivers and woodland birds) to help save these species from extinction.
Press play under each bird to hear its call.
Regent Honeyeater
Swift Parrot
Little Lorikeet
Superb Fairy-Wren
Yellow Thornbill
Hooded Robin
Red Wattlebird
Blue-Faced Honeyeater
Grey-Crowned Babbler
Torquoise Parrot
Spotted Pardalote
Brown Treecreeper
bird calls © Fred Van Gessel of Professional Wildlife Sounds
This project is supported by funding from Hunter Local Land Services through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program